Gestalt Pastoral Care

Gestalt Pastoral Care

Gestalt Pastoral Care is a model of healing ministry that integrates Gestalt growth work with spiritual companioning and healing prayer. Gestalt Pastoral Care rests on the belief that God’s healing Grace is available to us, and that the Holy One desires to heal us holistically—body, mind, spirit, emotions, and social context—in a way that is unique to each person. Holy Comforter’s Gestalt Pastoral Minister is Alexandra MacCracken.

One-Day Retreats

The Opening to Grace Retreats are an opportunity for a small group to work together, and enter into an in-depth interactive “grace space” together for healing.

Learn more about upcoming retreats and register online HERE. Questions? Please contact Alexandra MacCracken.

Grace Space

Tuesday Evenings

7:00 p.m.–8:30 p.m.

As this new reality continues to unfold, we are alone and yet together in the aloneness. You are invited to join Alexandra in a small group of “Grace Space” for support—and to be seen and heard. If you have ever wondered what Gestalt Pastoral Care is, come and find out. Grace Space times are available Tuesday evenings, 7:00–8:30 p.m. Please contact Alexandra MacCracken to be included—first come, first served.